This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Rev. innova educ. (2022). Vol 4 No 3 pp. 7-30
Revista Innova Educación
ISSN: 2664-1496 ISSN-L: 2664-1488
Edited by: Instituto Universitario de Innovación Ciencia y Tecnología Inudi Perú
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
El uso de juegos masivos en línea en actividades de aprendizaje basadas en juegos
O uso de jogos online massivos em atividades de aprendizagem baseadas em jogos
Lorena Hernández
Universidad del Caribe, Cancún - Quintana Roo, México
Verónica Hernández
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad
de México, México
Farah Neyra
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de
México, México
Julieta Carrillo
Universidad del Caribe, Cancún - Quintana Roo, México
DOI (Document only in English):
Received: 27/12/2021 Aceppted: 01/12/2021 Published:07/03/2022
ABSTRACT. The popularity of massively multiplayer online games such as Minecraft and Roblox
has aroused the attention of teachers and educational researchers in the past decade. The purpose
of this paper is to provide preliminary classroom experience using Roblox in game-based learning
activities through action research. Convenience and quota sampling were used, intervening in four
groups from different educational levels: 1 secondary, 1 high school, and 2 colleges. The learning
activities with Roblox were conducted during the 2020-2021 academic year during the COVID-19
pandemic that forced Mexican schools to go digital. Roblox was used to learn content (like
dinosaurs, contagious diseases, system definition) and interpersonal skills (negotiation,
cooperation). The participants’ learning perception was explored through quantitative and qualitative
data. Findings suggest that students enjoyed the Roblox learning activity as it allowed social
interaction between classmates. The students evaluated the learning through the Roblox activity
class on different scales (3,08; 3,18; 4,07 and 4,21 on the Likert scale). The results indicate that
there are generational differences between groups. Finally, the paper offers concrete suggestions
for the use of Roblox in the educational context.
RESUMEN. La popularidad de los juegos en línea multijugador masivos como Minecraft y Roblox
ha llamado la atención de profesores e investigadores educativos en la última década. El propósito
de este documento es proporcionar una experiencia preliminar en el aula utilizando Roblox en
actividades de aprendizaje basadas en juegos a través de la investigación-acción. Se utilizó
Research Professor of Economics and Business.
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
muestreo por conveniencia y cuotas, interviniendo en cuatro grupos de diferentes niveles
educativos: 1 secundaria, 1 bachillerato y 2 facultades. Las actividades de aprendizaje con Roblox
se realizaron durante el año académico 2020-2021 durante la pandemia de COVID-19 que obligó
a las escuelas mexicanas a digitalizarse. Roblox se utilizó para aprender contenido (como
dinosaurios, enfermedades contagiosas, definición de sistemas) y habilidades interpersonales
(negociación, cooperación). La percepción de aprendizaje de los participantes fue explorada a través
de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Los hallazgos sugieren que los estudiantes disfrutaron de la
actividad de aprendizaje de Roblox, ya que permitió la interacción social entre compañeros de clase.
Los estudiantes evaluaron el aprendizaje a través de la clase de actividad de Roblox en diferentes
escalas (3,08; 3,18; 4,07 y 4,21 en la escala de Likert). Los resultados indican que existen
diferencias generacionales entre los grupos. Finalmente, el artículo ofrece sugerencias concretas
para el uso de Roblox en el contexto educativo.
RESUMO. A popularidade de jogos online multiplayer massivos, como Minecraft e Roblox,
despertou a atenção de professores e pesquisadores educacionais na última década. O objetivo
deste artigo é fornecer uma experiência preliminar em sala de aula usando o Roblox em atividades
de aprendizado baseadas em jogos por meio de pesquisa-ação. Utilizou-se amostragem por
conveniência e por cotas, intervindo em quatro grupos de diferentes níveis de escolaridade: 1
secundário, 1 médio e 2 universitários. As atividades de aprendizado com Roblox foram realizadas
durante o ano letivo de 2020-2021 durante a pandemia de COVID-19 que forçou as escolas
mexicanas a se tornarem digitais. Roblox foi usado para aprender conteúdo (como dinossauros,
doenças contagiosas, definição de sistemas) e habilidades interpessoais (negociação, cooperação).
A percepção de aprendizagem dos participantes foi explorada por meio de dados quantitativos e
qualitativos. Os resultados sugerem que os alunos gostaram da atividade de aprendizagem Roblox,
pois permitiu a interação social entre os colegas. Os alunos avaliaram a aprendizagem por meio da
aula de atividade Roblox em diferentes escalas (3,08; 3,18; 4,07 e 4,21 na escala Likert). Os
resultados indicam que existem diferenças geracionais entre os grupos. Por fim, o artigo oferece
sugestões concretas para o uso do Roblox no contexto educacional.
There has been a growing interest for several decades of educational researchers studying the uses of video
games for educational purposes (Horizon Report, 2010; Nebel et al., 2016). This wide-spread practice has been
valued positively by many researchers (Delwiche, 2006; Foreman, 2004; Gee, 2003; Greenfield, 1994; Gros,
2007; Hung et al., 2020; Ke, s. f.; McClurg & Chaillé, 1987; Nebel et al., 2016; Orosy & Allan, 1989; Squire,
2005; Squire & Barab, 2004).
Gee (2003) argued that schools could use games and gaming technology to enhance learning. In Gee´s words,
“designers face and largely solve an intriguing educational dilemma, one also faced by schools and workplaces:
how to get people, often young people, to learn and master something that is long and challenging and enjoy
it, to boot” (p. 1). He considers that since good videogames are supported by cognitive science research, schools
could benefit from their use to boost learning.
Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, Everquest, and Second Life, among others, are defined as multi-user virtual
environments (MUVEs) or massively multiplayer online games (MMOs or MMOGs). MMOs “bring many players
together in activities that are sometimes collaborative and sometimes competitive, generally goal-oriented, and
often tied to a storyline or theme(Horizon Report, 2010, p. 25). In these virtual worlds, participants create highly
personalized characters called avatars and, since they have a highly addictive quality, some users often “spend
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
more waking time with friends in the digital world than with human beings in their physical environment”
(Delwiche, 2006, p. 160). In 2007 when Horizon Report wrote about this trend, MMOs were relatively rare
because of the cost and the difficulty of producing them. That report argued that the adoption of MMOs in
educational environments would take an additional four to five years. MMO´s potential application in schools
was announced in the earlies 2000s because they offered a situated learning experience in a virtual environment
(Delwiche, 2006; Foreman, 2004). In other words, they “offer immersive, engaging experiences in a variety of
disciplines” (Horizon Report, 2010, p. 26). They were further named as massively multiplayer online role-playing
games (MMORPGs). These kinds of games “are not just online extensions of console or personal computer
role-playing games; instead, they offer vivid online worlds through which players share aspects of their daily
lives while engaging in-game activities” (Lin & Sun, 2015, p. 1).
Since the early 2000s, MMOGs became one of the most popular “forms of entertainment and a major mechanism
of socialization for young and old alike” (Steinkuehler, 2004, p. 521). At present, they arean ongoing trend for
this generation” (Long, 2020, p. 24). This trend undoubtedly has grown during the COVID-19 crisis that forced
people to stay at home for many months, searching for digital mechanisms to interact socially. For example,
Minecraft grew from 112 million monthly users during September 2019 to more than 131 million monthly users
during October 2020 (Wales, 2019).
On the other hand, Roblox had 100 million monthly active users during August 2019 and expanded to 150
million monthly users by July 2020 (Roblox Corporation, 2020; Wales, 2019). Fortnite had 250 million players
in March 2019, and grew to 350 million registered accounts by 2020 (Kay, 2020). But obviously, the expansion
of the MMORPG users was not the only phenomenon that happened during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
During the COVID-19 crisis, many countries decided to bring schools from face-to-face activities to online
learning (Díaz & Loyola, 2021; Gómez & Quijada, 2021; Mamani et al., 2021; Radha et al., 2020). In this context,
an American Medical Association viewpoint was written by Galea et al. (2020) where it was argued the need for
approaches during COVID-19 social isolation that ensures children have “structure, continuity of learning, and
socialization to mitigate the effect of short- and long-term sheltering in place” (p. 817). Loades et al. (2020)
analyzed 80 previous studies about loneliness and measured the impact on the mental health in children and
adolescents during the COVID-19 isolation period. As a conclusion of their paper, they argued that children and
adolescents are “probably more likely to experience high rates of depression and most likely anxiety during and
after enforced isolation ends” (p.1). Hence, teachers needed to accelerate their learning about digital learning
tools to embrace this professional challenge. One shared concern in this isolated period is how to
[…] maintain a highly interactive environment in the online classroom to reduce the anxiety and
frustration of being away from friends and the classroom. Online learning does not allow private
interaction among students, leading to boredom and dissatisfaction in this setting. However, activities
that encourage social interactions and private conversations among students should be encouraged,
keeping the spirit of learning intact (Baber, 2020, p. 10).
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Both, students and teachers during COVID pandemic needed to increase their digital competencies (Díaz &
Loyola, 2021). Massively multiplayer games favor virtual social interaction among students. In the words of
Squire (2005) “e-learning educators are wise to look toward games as models of next-generation learning
environments” (p. 6).
This paper aims to provide preliminary classroom experience using Roblox in game-based learning activities
through action research. This exploratory study was conducted during the 2020-2021 academic year during the
COVID-19 pandemic, forcing Mexican schools to go digital. The research questions that guided this study were:
How students experience the learning of content and skills through Roblox´s game-based learning activities?
How is interaction among peers behaved in the context of online learning with Roblox during COVID-19
confinement? What are some advantages and disadvantages of the incorporation of Roblox during learning
1.1. Game-based learning
Early studies focus on video games.
Early studies of video games during the 1980s focused on the addiction danger of video games. Still, some
years ahead, studies began to center on the positive effects of learning with digital games. Some researchers
claimed that video games enhance the performance of spatial, visual, and motor skills (Greenfield, 1994; McClurg
& Chaillé, 1987; Orosy & Allan, 1989).
On the other hand, studies about the alternatives that games, not necessarily videogames, and simulations bring
to education started in the middle of the 1950s and expanded in the 1970s and 1980s (Butler, 1988). However,
research focused on video games in education had little attention until the end of the 1990s (Gros, 2007).
The publication in 2001 of the book Digital game-based learning, by Marc Prensky, opened a new perspective
about videogames applied for learning purposes (Gros, 2007). Alongside Prensky, there were four other leading-
edge thinkers in the field of Game-Based Learning in the earlies 2000s: James Paul Gee, J. C. Herz, Randy
Hinrichs, and Ben Sawyer (Foreman, 2004). According to Foreman´s overview of these forerunner contributions,
they can be synthesized in six topics:
(1) The dysfunctions of conventional instruction; (2) The power of simulations; (3) The importance of game-
based learning communities; (4) The reasons videogames promise a better learning future; (5) The changes
necessary for the new paradigm to take hold; and (6) The practical steps that colleges/universities and
influential academics can take to move institutions down the trail blazed by USC and others” (Foreman,
2004, p. 1)
Afterward, a growing learning interest of educational researchers focused on the uses of videogames to enhance
the learning of content (Gee, 2003; Squire, 2005; Squire & Barab, 2004). The learning of personal and social
skills and the boost of literacy learning in schools (Hung et al., 2020).
In 2009 Fengfeng Ke presented a meta-review of 89 studies of computer games as learning tools. The author
reported that 65 out of 89 studies evaluated the effects of the game upon learning. From the empirically-based
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
studies, 34 out of the 69 found positive outcomes from using games, 17 had mixed results, 12 reported “no
significant differencewith traditional instruction approaches and one study found traditional methods more
effective (de Freitas, 2018, p. 78; Ke, s. f.).
1.2 Game-based learning with MMOGs
MMOG's are among the most recent in the videogame genres. One of the pioneer studies focused on MMOG's
was Steinkuehler (2004) who analyzed MOMGs from an ethnographic, or cultural, perspective and stated that
learning occurs naturally in these communities of practice. Further, Delwiche (2006) recognized MMOs as an
instructional promise "because they immerse students in complex communities of practice, because their
immersive nature invites extended engagement with course material, and because they encourage role-playing"
(p. 162).
According to Delwiche (2006) a challenge of using MMOs in the classroom is to engage students in role-playing
and community of practice to connect with the academic goals of the course.
Delwiche (2006) early study with MMOs reported his findings from two undergraduate courses using this kind
of video game in situated learning theory. In the first course, he used EverQuest to teach ethnography research
methods to 36 students. In the second course, he used Second Life to teach the videogame design criticism
approach to 15 communication students. Delwiche's learning goal was to explore cyberculture studies "through
sustained interaction with other gamers" (p. 165).
A Horizon Report document from 2007 describing potential uses of MMOs in schools suggested its use to
improve the study of foreign language and culture, develop leadership and management skills, and practice
strategy and apply knowledge competitively.
Since its official release in 2011, Minecraft has been one of the most popular games used for Game-Based
Activities in schools (Nguyen, 2016). Minecraft has a “broad range of examples from education and research”
(Nebel et al., 2016, p. 362) and even has released a teacher-friendly version MinecraftEdu. “Due to its numerous
modifications, easy structure, huge player community, and countless forums, blogs, and YouTube videos on
how to implement different features and rewrite source code, this game can be used even by game development
novices” (op. cit., p. 358).
More recently, Bokolas y Panagouli (2019) presented an action research with 5th and 6th graders in an
elementary school in Greece promoting historical-cultural education using the popular
games Fortnite and Civilization during a three-year program (2016-2018). As the students played real-time
strategy games (Civilization placed in the Middle Ages and Fortnite in the 20th century), they explored the
“relationship with the documented historical knowledge” (p. 74).
1.3 Roblox in education
Another MMO game, trendy among youth, is Roblox. Compared to the rising attention of Mindcraft in
educational research, Roblox has been only slightly studied. An advanced search in Google Academic in April
2021 looking for research papers with titles using the words “Minecraft/ Education” found 67 results. The same
investigation by the phrase “Roblox/Education” in the title prompted only one paper. This is an example of the
lack of attention that this videogame has received from the educational research community.
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Roblox was developed in 2005 by Dave Baszucki and Erick Cassel in San Mateo, California. It is defined on its
web page as a “global platform that brings people together through play” (Roblox Corporation, 2020). Roblox is
a platform to both play and design 3D online playing games. It also functions as a social network; users can
follow friends, chat with them, and send private messages (Powers, 2019).
Roblox Corporation has created two different sets of software: Roblox Studio and Roblox Player (see icons in
Figure1). Roblox Studio is an entirely free software program used to create and develop 3D games (Roblox
Corporation, 2020). It is “a simple and intuitive program in which no previous programming skills are required”
(Meier et al., 2020, p. 268).
Roblox creates the tools and infrastructure for sharing, and the community makes the open content. On the other
hand, Roblox Player is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). Users can access Roblox
for free on any device - PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Amazon Devices, Xbox One, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive (Roblox
Corporation, 2020). The platform currently features a huge catalog of over 40 million games, most of which are
user-generated (Chowdhury, 2020).
Figure 1. Roblox Studio (a) and Roblox Play (b) Icons
Source: and
Roblox Corporation counted in December 2020 a total of 37 billion hours played since 2008, 3 billion total
engagement hours each month, 5.2 million peak concurrent users, and 241 million dollars paid to the community
developers (Roblox Corporation, 2020). Roblox has a “young demographic, with players ranging in age from
six to early 20s” (Crecente, 2019). To start playing Roblox, you must personalize your Avatar (see Figure 2),
choose a game among a vast range of options (see Figure 3 as an example of Games´ Menu), and then contact
friends to interact in the virtual world (see Figure 4 as an example of Friends Screen).
Figure 2. Roblox´s Avatar example
Source: Screenshot from a personal account
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Figure 3. Roblox´s Games Menu Example
Source: Screenshot from a personal account
Figure 4. Roblox´s Friends Screen Example
Source: Screenshot from the personal account
Teachers, researchers, and other educational centers are starting to explore the potential uses of Roblox
Player and Roblox Studio for enhancing particular knowledge and skills. A curious fact is that the forerunner of
Roblox was an education tech startup called Knowledge Revolution, developed by Dave Baszucki and Erick
Cassel in 1989 to provide teachers and students a program that could serve as a 2-dimension lab for modeling
physics problems like virtual levers or ramps (Knapp, 2018). Two decades later, Roblox “was created with the
goal of teaching children to code and program” (Teach Radar Pro, 2019).
Names of friends were delated for security reasons.
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Guerrero (2019) states that “Educators around the world use Roblox to engage students with real coding, digital
civility, and entrepreneurship, and more.” However, at this moment, the page only presents two case studies of
educational centers that teach programming to children: The Koding Kingdom and ConMásFuturo.
Roblox Corporation has actively promoted programming skills learning among young users of Roblox Studio. It
organizes an annual developer´s conference where Roblox developers from all over the world can meet and
exchange tips. It also has paid internship programs, summer camps, and self-guided classes on the website to
help young developers create games (Kay, 2020; Teach Radar Pro, 2019).
Whereas the use of Roblox for teaching coding skills started from its inception, its adoption of informal
educational settings happened more recently. In 2019 on the Web Page Common Sense Education, Mellissa
Powers reviewed the classroom potential of Roblox. “Roblox is a commercial product that inherently has a lot of
learning opportunities. Like Minecraft, this popular gaming platform can be used to teach and demonstrate
specific skills, with careful planning and structured implementation” (Powers, 2019). She recommends using
Roblox for 8-12 grades, with great Instructional Design, Game-Based Learning, Media Literacy, and Coding
opportunities. Powers also suggests the potential of Roblox to enhance communication and collaboration skills,
creativity, character and SEL, and critical thinking.
Teachers can take advantage of Roblox’s versatility to use it in a variety of ways. In a computer science classroom
or after-school program, Roblox offers a real-world experience as students use code to develop games that can
be quickly published and shared with an audience of millions. In learning about game design, students practice
storytelling, sequencing, graphic design, 3D modeling, and various skills that translate across disciplines. For
older students, teachers could even use Roblox’s monetization feature to teach business and entrepreneurial
skills. Subject area teachers can use Roblox as a digital platform for demonstrating content knowledge. Students
could make a simulation for a historical event or experience (think Oregon Trail) or create a choose-your-own-
path adventure (Powers, 2019, p. 1).
Meanwhile, Powers´ review offers a complete description of the broad potential uses of Roblox in the context of
formal education, but fails to present case studies or research about these uses. Further documented research
only returned two previous papers about the uses of Roblox in the context of formal education, seeking to
promote the development of specific knowledge or skills in students (Long, 2020; Meier et al., 2020). This
situation contrasts with the extensive research focused on the similarly featured game Minecraft.
“Roblox and effect on education” is previous research presented by. They gathered opinions from elementary
school teachers in two different districts in the USA on utilizing the Roblox platform as an educational tool. The
results showed that 90 % have heard of Roblox, and 46 % of students have played Roblox. In the survey,
teachers were asked to rank up to three teaching strategies they prefer when using technology. These three
were: motivation, problem-solving, and STEM. When it comes to using Roblox as an educational tool in the
classroom, they stated a positive opinion (Long, 2020, pp. 2-3).
The second paper of Meier, Meier et al. (2020) describes their experience incorporating “virtual routes about
the sculptural heritage of a city in the classroom by developing a simulation of the urban environment” (p. 268).
They used Roblox Studio during a complete academic year with 53 secondary school students who “were given
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
the task of designing a virtual environment in which they had to include 3D models of the sculptural heritage of
the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife” (p. 268).
The learning activity was conducted on plastic, visual and audiovisual education in a Spanish School. As part of
the results of Meier et al. (2020) they found that students “felt that the use of Roblox motivated them to learn
and study in class. Concerning the subject, they considered it to be an appropriate activity for plastic and visual
expression (3.39 out of 5). They believed that more digital activities (3.27 out of 5) should be incorporated into
secondary school studies” (p. 277). Guerrero (2019) has an extended version of this paper that can be read in
This study adopted an action research approach to explore the use of Roblox as an educational tool in the school
context. Action Research was coin in 1946 by social psychologist Kurt Lewin who proposed to “integrate science
and practice” (Argyris, 1985). Action research include the active participation of researchers in the problems
they identify. This approach of taking action and doing research at the same time has been proven to be pertinent
in real-life situation such as teach and learn process (Messikh, 2020).
The learning activities whit Roblox were guided by three participant researchers. Once the activities were finished,
participants’ learning perception and experience were explored through a questionnaire that gathered both
quantitative data (Likert scale 1-5) and qualitative data (open questions). The participants' behavior was observed
through the participatory observation technique and the learning goals were evaluated through the learning
products. In other words, the action research was conducted using a mixed method in which quantitative and
qualitative data were “simultaneously collected, analyzed and interpreted” (Zohrabi, 2013, p. 254).
The data collection through the mix instruments had the purpose to strengthen the validity of the findings through
triangulation. Multiple participant researchers allowed to increase the internal reliability during the study, as well,
through verification and confirmation during the data collection, analysis and interpretations (Zohrabi, 2013).
2.1 Participants
A non-probabilistic convenience and quota sampling was selected since the action research happened in real
classroom groups from the participant researchers. Convenience sampling allows accessibility of a target
population and their availability at a given time (COVID confinement). It is suitable for exploratory scope studies
and research that “does not aim to generate results that will be used to create generalizations pertaining to the
entire population” (Etikan, 2016, p. 1).
On the other hand, the quota sampling allows researcher to investigate and compare characteristics of a certain
subgroup (Bornstein et al., 2013). The participants selected in this study correspond to three different
educational levels subgroups located in Mexico: secondary (group 1), high school (group 2), and college (group
3 and 4). A K12 or primary school group quote was searched to include in the research, but any teacher invited
showed interest to participate.
The Institution name, categorization between private or public schools, grade of each group, number of
participants, age range, and subject of the classroom are presented in table 1.
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Table 1
Number of
Range of age
while review
while review
High School
Health Education
while review
Bachelor´s degree
Negotiation and
while review
Bachelor´s degree
System Thinking
Source: own elaboration.
2.2 Procedure
The learning activities were conducted during the 2020-2021 Academic year during the COVID-19 pandemic
that forced Mexican schools to go digital. The procedure was divided into five main activities listed below.
Activity 1. Teacher´s previous familiarization on Roblox and game selection
Teachers who were participating in this study created their own Roblox account and avatar. They needed at least
10 hours of free play with Roblox to gather coordination skills and specific game knowledge. The three teachers
of this study organized a learning group to prepare the “Roblox learning activities.” They received help from
small children from their surroundings to anchor their learning process of Roblox. Dialogue among teachers
helped to choose the game that made the best fit for the class purposes.
Activity 2. Student preparation before class
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Before the “Roblox learning activity,” students were asked to install the Roblox app, log into their account (or
sign in), and send their avatar name to the teacher or a friend request to play together in the same playroom
during class. Students of all the groups used their own devices (tablets, smartphones, and computers) for
Activity 3. Learning activity instruction
An online synchronous session was carried out with a web-based video conferencing tool (Zoom in groups 1
and 2 and Google Meet in groups 3 and 4). During this session, teachers took about 10-20 minutes to introduce
the learning purposes, lesson plan, topic guidance, orientation about the learning products, and introduced the
game(s) before the Roblox gaming. The topic reviewed during the learning activity with Roblox was chosen from
each study program and is presented in column 2 from Table 2.
Activity 4. Learning activity with Roblox
The experimental learning activity in each group took between 30-60 minutes. Students and the teacher
simultaneously interacted in the Roblox virtual world and in the web-based conferencing tool (using voice and
chat). A synthesis of the Roblox game used in each group, the game description, and basic game data are also
presented in Table 2 (columns 3-5).
Table 2
Roblox game election to match the class topic
Class Topic
Roblox Game
Game Description
Game Data
Dinosaurs: Scientific
names, classification
of animals based on
food habits,
interaction, and
adaptive survival
World Mobile
Dinosaur Mobile World has
different settings that allows
players to experience the
Prehistoric World as
choosing from a variety of
species. The game allows
players to interact in a
survival fight while they
have to cover their basic
needs (sleep, hunger,
thirst, health, stamina and
50 players per
playroom. Rated
78%. 28,6 M visits
Interaction between
environment and
Alpha Infection simulates a
world where infected
players become zombies.
14 players per
playroom. Rated
69%, 20.1 M visits.
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
The goal of the players is to
avoid becoming a zombie
and once becoming one
infect healthy players.
Players can choose
between 8 types of
Cooperation vs no
cooperation. First
affiliation and trades
Adopt me
Become a baby and play
with a wide range of toys
while earning happiness
and coins also exploring
different areas to increase
your baby Power! Unleash
your inner Baby rage on
other players to show them
the baddest baby is!
Adopt Me! is a role play
game where player can
feature two roles: baby, who
gets taken care of, and
parent, which cares for the
baby. Houses, pets and
objects can be customized
and tradeoff between
Baby Simulator. 15
players per
playroom. Rated
82% 181M visits.
Adopt Me. 48
players per
playroom. Rated
84%. 19,300 M
Complex system
definition. Tangible
and intangible
components, system
purpose, macro-
system and
subsystems. Input,
throughput and
Break In
Eleven strangers move to a
house and their goal is to
survive 5 days from the
Break in of Scary Larry and
his follower’s villains. A
house full of secrets waiting
to be unfolded.
Break in, 70
players per
playroom. Rated
90%, 660M visits.
Source. Own elaboration with Games Data was gathered from Roblox platform on 06/02/2021
Activity 5. Final learning products gathering and questionnaire.
Three groups finished the activity with a learning product of the topic: an infographic of a Dinosaur species made
individually in group 1, a learning product with graphics of infection rates behavior during the game in group 2,
and an infographic about “The system of Brake Inmade in small groups in group 4. Because of the nature of
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
the topic (social skills), group 3 finish the learning activity with oral conclusions shared by the group in a plenary
through the web-based video conferencing tool.
Once the activity finished, participants filled in a questionnaire to explore their perception of the use of Roblox
as an educational tool in the school context (10 minutes).
The questionnaire applied after the activity, explored the previous familiarity with Roblox in each group. Results
are presented in Figure 5 labeled with letters the following criteria: A. Play Roblox regularly, B. Play Roblox
occasionally, C. Previously knew about Roblox, but didn´t play it; and D. I didn´t know about Roblox. As it can
be seen in Group 1 (secondary Level), 46,2% Played regularly and 38,5% occasionally. That sums an 84.7% of
users, which contrasts the High schools and College students with the 0%, 0%, and 10%.
A. Play Roblox regularly, B. Play Roblox occasionally, C. Previously knew about Roblox, but didn´t play it;
and D. I didn´t knew about Roblox.
Figure 5. Previous Familiarity with Roblox
Source. Own elaboration with questionaries’ data.
Further exploration indicates that the favorite Roblox´s game used by the students from the four groups previous
to the intervention, they mention: Adopt Me (7), Tower of Hell (3), Climb Time (2), Jail Break (2). Among
us, Power Defense, Cotton Tower, La Colonia, Brookhaven, and Identity Fraud.
Eight questions explored the student perception about the Learning Activity with Roblox measured on the Likert
scale valued from 1 point (Nothing agreed) to 5 points (Totally agreed). Table 3 shows the results of the four
Table 3
Questionnaire Results after Learning Activity
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Media (Est.
Media (Est.
Media (Est.
Media (Est.
The class session was conducted in an
agile way.
3,90 (1,29)
3,62 (1,41)
3,93 (1,33)
4,59 (0,57)
How easy was it to generate a Roblox
account and a personal profile?
4,38 (0,52)
4,28 (1,15)
4,40 (0,83)
4,56 (0,71)
I prepared previous activities for the
class development? (Create a Roblox
account and send a friend request to my
4,40 (1,26)
3,96 (1,19)
3,47 (1,60)
4,79 (0,49)
I received clear instructions from my
teacher on how to play the game.
4,20 (1,48)
4,07 (1,26)
4,13 (1,55)
4,93 (0,26)
I was able to follow my teacher during
the game without problems.
4,10 (1,66)
3,59 (1,36)
3,67 (1,54)
4,31 (0,85)
I understood how to play the Game
4,00 (1,50)
3,88 (1,36)
3,53 (1,38)
4,66 (0,67)
I had fun during the class session.
4,00 (1,49)
4,03 (1,28)
4,00 (1,60)
4,90 (0,41)
I consider the Roblox activity facilitated
my learning about the topic of class
3,08 (1,19)
3,18 (1,17)
4,07 (0,88)
4,21 (0,68)
Source: own elaboration based on analysis.
The findings show that most students experienced fun during the session (84,6%, 77.7%, 73.3%, and 96.5%
answering Agree and Totally Agree to that question). Inquiring about other emotions present during the learning
activity, the participants reported: felt "joy because of the interaction with friends" (3), "camaraderie" (1),
"entertainment" (1), "bored and angry" (1), "nostalgic about his childhood" (1), "scared because of the villains
of the game Brake-In (3), "a bit frustrated as the game was slow to load" (1) and confusion/frustration because
I didn't understand the game (11). Frustration was linked with the lack of knowledge about how to play Roblox
in high school and college students. One of the participants reported being helped by her son during class, and
the same happened with another student who received help from her little sister (small kids teaching young
adults how to play Roblox).
Regarding learning perception, only 38.46% (Group 1) and 37,03% (Group 2) answered Agree and Totally
Agree on the Likert scale to the question "I consider the Roblox activity facilitated my learning about the learning
topic." Higher rates were founded in college groups, 73.33% (Group 3) and 86.20% (Group 4).
The most important content that students in Group 1 learned during the Roblox class as documented in their
qualitative answers: Did not answer (1); Did not learn anything (1), predator-prey interaction (3); dinosaur
species (5); adaptive survival characteristics (3); and classification of animals based on food habits (1).
Another way of assessing class effectiveness is to look at the quality of student's learning products. Students
used the knowledge acquired about dinosaurs through the game for the elaboration of infographics about
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
dinosaur species. Some students' screenshots about the Dinosaur World Mobile game are presented in Figure
6, and three learning products are shown in Figure 7.
Figure 6. Students’ screenshots during Learning Activity with Dinosaur World Mobile
Source: Students´ screenshot from personal accounts.
Figure 7. Students’ examples of dinosaur reports after Learning Activity with Dinosaur World Mobile
Source: Students´ learning products
During the Roblox activity Group 2 reported the following qualitative answers about their learning outcomes: did
not answer (4), how diseases spread (5), diseases (3), game knowledge (2), learning through gaming (1),
teamwork (1).
Students made a graph about the number of infected people overtime in the game. They also compared the
characteristics of an infected virtual zombie with real diseases: similarities and differences between rabies and
zombies; ways to control infectious diseases; exponential spread of real diseases; and an analysis of virtual
zombie infection. An example of the learning product made in teams is presented in Figure 8.
The learning products are written in Spanish since the learning activities in this study were developed in the students’ native
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Figure 8. Students’ example of diseases report after Learning Activity
Source: Student´s learning products
The most relevant skills that students in Group 3 learned during the Roblox session were: aspects of negotiation
skills (8), collaboration (4), importance of first impressions (2), strategy (2), and others including how to reach
strangers, perseverance, communication and teamwork.
An oral discussion after the Roblox activity in Group 3 took place where students shared their learning insights
about the trades (objects and food from the same game) they made with other unknown players and their
strategies that allowed their achievement. Some students were not able to make trades with other players in the
small amount of time of the activity. Other students succeeded faster in the task.
The answers about the content of learning in Group 4 can be summarized as follows: Did not answer (4),
Components of a system (9), generally about systems (5), System function (3), Linking systems theory to a
game (3), System interaction (3), three levels of the systems (3), simulated experience of systems (3), solve
doubts (1), follow-up instructions (2) and teamwork (1). Some students answered more than one aspect.
After the Roblox class, in another session, students elaborated learning products in teams that incorporate
elements of Brake In-game in a system definition. They use their screenshots taken during the game to give
some visual elements to their infographics. An example of the learning product is shown in Figure 9.
The learning product are written in Spanish since the learning activities in this study were developed in the context of student’s
native language
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Figure 9. Student’s example of the System definition learning products
Source: Students´ learning product.
One of the final questions from the survey was: Would you recommend using Roblox to teach the same topic in
future learning activities? The results of this question are synthesized in Figure 10. The majority of the students
recommended future use of Roblox in class 92.3% (group 1), 79% (group 2) 80% (group 3) and 100% (group
Figure 10. Results expressed in percentage from the question: Would you recommend the use of Roblox for
future classes?
Source. Own elaboration with questionaries’ data.
The last question the survey explored was the students' beliefs about video games as a means of learning
relevant knowledge. Of the 85 participants in this study, 67 (78.8%) believe that students can learn relevant
The learning products are written in Spanish since the learning activities in this study were developed in the context of student
native language
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
knowledge through video games. The higher number was from group 3 the college level (86,6%), followed by
Group 1 (84,6%), Group 4 (82,2%), and finally, group 2 (67,9%) (See Figure 11 for complete results).
Figure 11. Results expressed in percentage from the question: Generally speaking, do you think you can learn
relevant knowledge through video games?
Source. Own elaboration with questionaries’ data.
4.1 Benefits and Limitations of Roblox
We consider that the immersive nature of massively multiplayer games such as Roblox promoted extended
engagement with course material. MMOs immerse students in different scenarios in relatively “safe learning
environments” (Delwiche, 2006, p. 166). For example, the traditional teaching of the topic of Dinosaurs involves
the use of presentations, books, visit to museums, or exploring through the Internet. Experiencing a virtual
Jurassic scenario where predator and prey interact for survival in a safe, simulated environment heightens
significant learning in students.
MMOs provide a safe environment to promote social interaction and skills. In a previous Delwiche (2006) study:
students were asked to do something that can provoke as much anxiety as public speaking: they were asked
to interview other people.... the safety of virtual environments, combined with a mood of playful intellectual
freedom, made it easier for students to throw themselves into the role of inquisitive social scientists... (p.
In the present study, were promoted building negotiation skills in a safe virtual environment where students
could interact with strangers spontaneously. In this sense, we consider Roblox to have considerable potential
for social and language skills promotion.
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
In comparison with Minecraft that has gained a lot of attention for game-based learning in schools, Roblox has
the comparative advantage that it is free of charge, making it more feasible to adopt as an instructional innovation
in some class sessions.
Some students experienced frustration during the learning activity with Roblox. We believe that this kind of
situation enables teachers to work directly with students in recognizing managing and navigating frustration and
other negative emotions that can be obstacles for learning in, the previously called, the Glass Generation.
Despite the benefits of Roblox, we also found some limitations and obstacles to Roblox activities in the
classroom. Roblox requires gaming skills in teachers and students. Students who were completely unfamiliar
with gaming were stuck and perplexed since did not know how to move their avatars; they stayed paralyzed or
ran in all directions. This situation was experienced by a minority of students (1 or 2 students from each group),
causing frustration and wasting of time. In Gros (2007) words, "the main disadvantage of the use of games in
the classroom is the amount of time it takes for both the student and teacher to guide themselves within the
game" (p. 33). Another limitation is that each student needs a tablet or smartphone in a Roblox learning session.
Some schools forbid the use of these devices during school time, while others equip each student with
technology as part of their learning model. This learning activity also requires efficient internet access.
A considerable challenge for Massive Online Games is a child’s security "with millions of users worldwide, it's
impossible to control the people and content students will encounter on Roblox" (Powers, 2019). Grooming and
cyberbullying are two concrete threats in these virtual spaces. Since 2019 Roblox has invested in digital civility
as a key issue for gaming online by creating safety settings for the game and educating players and parents on
how to use them (Crecente, 2019).
Another critical concern is the latent risk of game addiction. You et al. (2015) examined the relationship between
psychosocial variables such as self-esteem, social skills, and depression related to online addiction in Massively
Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG). Delwiche (2006) also suggested to "warn students about
the potential for addiction" (p. 167).
Finally, a huge limitation in some developing countries like Mexico are the number of students that, during
COVID-19 crisis, had to migrate to asynchronous distance learning because of the lack of internet access (Gómez
& Quijada, 2021).
4.2 Suggestions for the use of Roblox in Education
1. Don´t be afraid to experiment in virtual worlds such as Roblox, since they are a trend in younger
generations. As Delwiche (2006) points:
As we explore the potential of virtual worlds, we should remind ourselves that they are not a panacea.
In many situations, traditional methods of instruction will work just fine. Yet, we should not be afraid to
experiment. Experimentation, like play itself, is ripe with possibility (p. 169).
2. Teacher´s previous familiarization with Roblox is required. Prepare at least 10-20 hours of free play
before designing an educational activity with Roblox. Young kids in your surroundings could be helpful
to succeed in this task as well as creating a community of practice with other teachers. We also suggest
including additional time for inexperienced gaming students to become familiar with Roblox. You can
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
support previous familiarization of students and teachers by “detailed access tutorials, lesson resources,
and an incredibly active worldwide community” (Powers, 2019).
3. In our own experience, having a video conference call simultaneously as the play happens helped
newcomers overcome the barrier of lack of game skills. Experienced players can advise inexperienced
students as they interact in the activity. Playing together in a conference call or a face-to-face session
adds fun and in-depth insights about the topic.
4. Alert your academic coordinator you are planning a Roblox Class. Use academic research on game-
based learning to argue this innovative instructional choice. Additionally, "some features, like the ability
to chat with strangers, may even violate your school's policy, so be sure to check with your technical
staff and administration before making plans to use Roblox with students" (Powers, 2019). For younger
students (elementary school and high school), we recommend asking for written parental consent.
5. Take time to choose the specific game carefully in Roblox that you will use during the class activity.
Since games in Roblox are user-generated content, some of them are boring and lack plot. While some
are very well designed and have great plots like, for example, Adopt Me! and Break-In. Review game
data such as user reviews and the number of visits for a first impression of the game and then play for
some minutes to evaluate if the game fits your instructional purposes. Be aware that each game has
multiple playrooms to distribute players, which can be an obstacle for the whole class playing together.
Look for "total player per playroom" data and try to choose games with a high capacity of players so
students can interact together in the gaming experience. Some games allow only 11 people to play
together, while others allow 50 or 70. If a game has limited players per room, you can organize your
classroom into teams and divide your playtime among them.
6. Split the class session into three segments. A) Topic introduction. Introduce the learning purposes,
lesson plan, topic guidance, orientation about the learning products, and introduced the game(s) before
the Roblox gaming. B) Playing time. Take at least between 30-60 minutes for the learning activity with
Roblox. C) Learning products. Finish the activity with a learning product of the topic made by students.
Invite your students to make a Screenshot of the play during the game to incorporate them into their
learning products.
7. Warn students about the potential risks of addiction to virtual games and security issues. Playing these
games with students is an opportunity to build digital citizenship and netiquette. Teachers can take
advantage of the gaming experience to talk about potential digital threats such as grooming and
4.3 Future Research
Further research is needed to explore more uses of Roblox in educational settings. One possible area for
research is to explore how students from engineering and business programs can learn about Roblox´s
monetization. Roblox sells virtual current to the players (clothing, accessories, vehicles), and Roblox corporation
takes a fraction of these earnings. “Developers can charge Robux, a virtual currency, for various items and game
experiences, and they can exchange the Robux they earn for real money” (Teach Radar Pro, 2019, p. 1). Players
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
can buy, for example, 800 Robux for $10 US Dollars, and developers can exchange their Roblux earnings for
real US Dollars as well, which is undoubtedly a current trend for income.
Another unexplored field for Roblox is its potential for psychological help with kids and adolescents with a social
scare, extreme shyness, or autism. As Vincelli et al. (2003, as cited in Delwiche, 2006) suggest, virtual reality
could be effective in agoraphobia and other anxiety treatments.
The use of Roblox Studio for developing programming and design skills is an open field for future studies. We
see a vast potential of using Roblox Studio to enhance content and storytelling abilities creation for language,
literature, history, communication and writing curricula.
Finally, we consider Roblox has a huge potential for the learning of foreign languages. For example, in the game
Brake In! players receive instructions (in English or Spanish) to move around a house. If students are learning
a foreign language, it could be fun to practice vocabulary in a playful scenario.
This study was conducted to provide preliminary classroom experience with Roblox in four groups from different
educational levels: secondary, high school, and college. Regarding the general objective, results suggested that
a majority of students enjoyed working with Roblox in class and reported significant learning insights. Positive
emotions were experienced by teachers as well, and planning the activity promoted their creativity.
This Massively Multiplayer Game favored virtual social interaction among students. In the context of 2020-2021
virtual pandemic classes, the lack of interaction between students was a challenge, and gaming allowed students
to interact with each other in a virtual world. Students stated that they enjoyed playing with their classmates.
This interaction and the playful dynamic also promoted bonding between teacher and students. In one case, it
seemed to have a positive impact on the teacher assessment.
Finally, advantages and disadvantages of the use of Roblox in learning activities were identified and reported as
Further research about the use of Roblox in game-based learning activities in other settings or with other subjects
would allow to generalize the result of this study to a wider population.
Conflicto de intereses / Competing interests:
Los autores declaran que no incurren en conflictos de intereses.
Rol de los autores / Authors Roles:
Lorena Hernández: conceptualización, curación de datos, análisis formal, adquisición de fondos, investigación,
metodología, administración del proyecto, recursos, software, supervisión, validación, visualización, escritura -
preparación del borrador original, escritura - revisar & amp; edición.
Verónica Hernández: conceptualización, análisis formal, investigación, metodología, administración del proyecto,
recursos, software, supervisión, validación, visualización, escritura - preparación del borrador original, escritura -
revisar & amp; edición.
Farah Neyra: conceptualización, investigación, metodología, administración del proyecto, recursos, software,
supervisión, validación, visualización, escritura - preparación del borrador original, escritura - revisar & amp; edición.
Rev. innova educ.
Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Julieta Carrillo: conceptualización, investigación, metodología, administración del proyecto, recursos, software,
supervisión, validación, visualización, escritura - preparación del borrador original, escritura - revisar & amp; edición.
Fuentes de financiamiento / Funding:
Los autores declaran que no recibieron un fondo específico para esta investigación.
Aspectos éticos / legales; Ethics / legals:
Los autores declaran no haber incurrido en aspectos antiéticos, ni haber omitido aspectos legales en la realización de
la investigación.
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Vol. 4. No. 3 (2022) pp. 7-30
The use of massive online games in game-based learning activities
Lorena Hernández; Verónica Hernández; Farah Neyra; Julieta Carrillo
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
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