Teaching creative thinking. A systematic look





teacher creativity, strategies, creative thinking


The objective was to systematize evidence of the development of creative thinking and its potentialities with a view from the educational field, highlighting the aspects of creativity in teachers. A systematic review of articles from the Proquest, Scopus, and Eric databases was carried out. Relevant information was selected. To obtain results, the information was systematized, considering the thematic axes as aspects of creativity, characteristics, and strategies for teaching creative thinking. It is concluded that creative teaching thinking is of great importance because it favors innovation. In addition, it is an essential aspect in today's world, so it must be permanently strengthened and thus contribute to its development.

Author Biography

  • Edith Vásquez, Cesar Vallejo University

    Edith Vásquez Barboza, Profesional en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad César Vallejo, Magíster con mención en Gestión Educativa y docencia. diplomados en Gestión del currículo, Intervención Docente en Problemas de Aprendizaje, También con especializaciones en didáctica de la Matemática , Comprensión y Producción de textos. En la actualidad viene laborando como docente de Educación Primaria en la I.E. 10400 Chimchim de la provincia de Chota, región Cajamarca.


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How to Cite

Teaching creative thinking. A systematic look. (2021). Revista Innova Educación, 4(1), 135-145. https://doi.org/10.35622/j.rie.2022.01.010