Creative thinking: a holistic study in education




dimensions, strategies, creative thinking, theories


The objective was to review various scientific articles to identify the relevant concepts, characteristics, and theories that underpin the construction of creative thinking and analyze the proposals that contribute to its improvement. For this, databases such as Ebsco, Scopus, Eric were reviewed, from which 50 relevant articles were selected. The methodology used is descriptive-analytical, which allowed us to reach the following results: there are a diversity of definitions, characteristics, and strategies that promote the improvement of creative thinking, and its development in students is crucial for good growth in society. In conclusion, the educational system must promote the knowledge and development of creative thinking in the teaching-learning process since this skill is required to access a job.

Author Biography

  • Maribel Carranza, Cesar Vallejo University

    Es docente del nivel primario, con experiencia de más de 30 años al servicio de la educación, labora en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local de Cutervo. Maestrante en la Universidad César Vallejo filial Chiclayo, Mención Administración en la educación; es investigadora en materia de educación.


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Artículos de revisión

How to Cite

Creative thinking: a holistic study in education. (2021). Revista Innova Educación, 3(4), 123-132.