Virtual environments in cooperative learning: a contemporary innovative strategy




cooperative learning, virtual environments, learning strategy, contemporary innovation


Accelerated changes in the educational field due to the Covid-19 crisis helped awaken and strengthen our technological skills. In this sense, the present study, through documentary research, based on an analytical-inductive and deductive method, aims to show the importance of using virtual environments as contemporary innovation. It seeks greater effectiveness in student learning cooperatively and innovatively. The text is structured by explaining how virtual environments contribute favorably to education in the face of the covid-19 crisis and considering the dimension: cooperative learning as a contemporary strategy. The results reveal that teachers and students need to integrate new technological and innovative methodologies for greater learning effectiveness.

Author Biography

  • Lemuel Pacheco, Cesar Vallejo University

    Doctor en Educación, Magister en Psicología Educativa, Licenciado en Matemática Aplicada, Técnico Profesional en computación e informática, Diplomado en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, con experiencia docente en el nivel superior tecnológico y universitario en áreas de informática y ciencias matemáticas en diversas carreras profesionales como administración, salud, derecho, contabilidad, educación e ingeniería. Actualmente docente a tiempo completo en la universidad Cesar Vallejo (Perú).



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How to Cite

Virtual environments in cooperative learning: a contemporary innovative strategy. (2021). Revista Innova Educación, 4(1), 65-77.

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