Relatos de isolamento domiciliar durante a pandemia de COVID-19: caso de estudantes indígenas peruanos




aislamiento domiciliario, COVID-19, desempeño estudiantil


A maior parte da literatura que surgiu sobre os impactos do isolamento domiciliar durante a pandemia de COVID-19 sugere que ele causa respostas psicossociais e fisiológicas adversas de leve a aguda, principalmente em crianças. Tais respostas relacionam-se à separação que as crianças vivenciam de sua rotina normal, incluindo solidão, ansiedade e depressão, e adversidades associadas ao desempenho escolar. Neste estudo de caso, exploramos a interseção entre três fenômenos no Peru: (1) prática da Meditação Transcendental por alunos de uma (2) escola provincial durante (3) isolamento domiciliar. O estudo realizou entrevistas semiestruturadas em uma escola de Puno com sete alunos, três pais e dois professores. Um modelo proto-teórico de estresse, a resposta ao estresse e os resultados em três categorias psicossociais - cognitiva, afetiva e conativa - orientam a pesquisa. Os resultados sugerem que a prática teve um efeito salutar na experiência do aluno e no desempenho acadêmico, incluindo benefícios multifatoriais relacionados ao aprendizado, calma, ansiedade e notas.

Biografia do Autor

  • Lee Fergusson, University of Southern Queensland

    Program Director of the Master of Professional Studies (Research) program at University of Southern Queensland and Professor of Vedic Science, Education and Environment at Maharishi Vedic Research Institute in Australia. He is the author and editor of 13 books, including Living Peace: The Contribution of Maharishi Vedic Science to Global Security (2020), Redefining Sustainability (2019), What a Waste: Studies in Anthropogenic Sources of Pollution (2016), and Red Mud Futures: Repurposing One of the World’s Largest Industrial Waste By-products (2015). His research papers on education, psychology, health, systems science, sustainability and the environment have been published in many international journals,

  • Javier Ortiz-Cabrejos, Instituto Maharishi de Ciencia y Tecnología del Perú

    Independent researcher and Director, Instituto Maharishi de Ciencia y Tecnología del Perú in Lima. He is a Peruvian architect, urban planner, educator, poet, and lecturer in human development, and a consultant in Vedic Architecture at Maharishi Vāstu Alliance. Ortiz Cabrejos has lectured at universities and institutions in over 30 countries and developed educational projects in colleges and universities in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bogota, and Medellin, as well as in schools and universities in Peruvian cities such as Lima, Callao, Cusco, Trujillo, Arequipa, Huancayo, Iquitos and Puno. In the last 15 years, he implemented Latin American projects in Consciousness-Based Education at 60 schools to more than 50,000 students.

  • Anna Bonshek, Maharishi Vedic Research Institute

    MahaGauri Professor of Vedic Science, Art and Vedic Architecture at Maharishi Vedic Research Institute in Australia, and a consultant in Vedic Architecture at Maharishi Vāstu Alliance. Dr Bonshek is the author and editor of several books, including The Big Fish: Consciousness as Structure, Body and Space (2007), and Mirror of Consciousness: Art, Creativity and Veda (2001), and has published research in international journals, including International Journal of Architecture and Urban Design, Open House International, Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, International Journal of Indian Psychology, New Art Examiner, and Artlink.


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Relatos de isolamento domiciliar durante a pandemia de COVID-19: caso de estudantes indígenas peruanos. (2022). Revista Innova Educación, 5(1), 100-119.

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